
How the Garmin Autoland Determines the Most Suitable Airport

garmin autoland cockpit view
garmin autoland cockpit view


The Garmin G3000 Autoland System (HomeSafe) is the first of its kind to receive certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). HomeSafe selects an airport to autonomously land in an emergency. The system ensures stable flight while navigating, descending, and landing at the most suitable airport.

The autoland system is activated through a button in the cockpit. The system can automatically activate if it renders the pilot unable to fly. HomeSafe is designed to only be activated in an emergency, such as an incapacitated pilot. The system will then pick the most suitable airport to autonomously land at.


At a starting price of $85,000 USD, this system can be installed in the 2020 Daher TBM 940, Piper M600 MLS, and Cirrus Vision Jet.  Several 2019 models can be retrofitted with the system. Garmin’s intentions are to expand the autoland system into other airplanes that have a G3000, such as the Honda HA-420, Embraer Phenom 100 and 300, Curtis Vision SF50, and the Cessna Citation CJ3+. The autoland system is only certified in the G3000. However, Garmin’s goal is to expand autonomous flight into more modes of aviation.


garmin autoland cockpit button
Easy to Operate in an Emergency: The Garmin HomeSafe is activated by a single button selection


 The six factors that determine which airport the airplane selects are listed below.

Airport is Within 200 NM

HomeSafe system will pick an airport in a 200 NM radius from where the autoland system was enabled.

Fuel Reserves

HomeSafe will determine if the airplane has the range to reach a specific airport. A plane may not have the fuel reserve to reach an airport that is within the 200 NM radius, thus the fuel range is used to consider a closer airport.

GPS Approachgarmin autoland

Contrary to CAT III ILS approaches, HomeSafe is the first certified system that can autoland on a GPS approach. The airport chosen by the system must be equipped with a suitable GPS approach.


The G3000 will select an airport based on the weather and winds. The GPS will avoid adverse weather once the emergency autoland system is enacted.

Runway Length

The runway used for the approach must be at least 4,500 feet long for most airplanes. However, the exact runway length is dependent upon the aircraft being used. For example, the Cirrus VisionJet requires a runway of 5,836 feet or lesser.


When choosing an airport to land at, the GPS will consider the terrain of a given airport and its surrounding area.

To watch a video of the Garmin Autoland Homesafe system in action, CLICK HERE.



There are approximately 9,000 airports where HomeSafe can land autonomously. In an emergency, the system picks the most suitable airport based on distance, fuel range, instrument approaches, weather, runway length, and terrain.


Only time will tell if more airplanes will be equipped with this technology and if more airports will accommodate to the requirements needed for HomeSafe landings.

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