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A Rebuttal of ‘Gunjan Saxena – The Kargil Girl’ by a Kargil Veteran

Pic of Rohit Beri

Image Courtesy Rohit Beri

I’m proud to have been a combatant of Indian Air Force, and the Kargil war in which I flew 13 live missions, and was awarded Mention in Despatches by the President of India.

An Opinion by Wg Cdr ROHIT BERI (RETD)

While I remain proud of the opportunity I got to serve the country, I’m dismayed at how media projects these realities.

I am awfully sad that IAF has been depicted in poor light in a Bollywood style movie -Gunjan Saxena – that is streaming on Netflix.

The alleged gender situations shown in the movie are ridiculous, false, and downright disturbing. All soldiers: women or men; Air Force or Army, have never and will never face discrimination on basis of sex, caste, or creed.

The operational accuracy in the movie is even worse, but that’s a story for another day .

I don’t understand movie contracts but would like to believe that the main protagonist wasn’t aware of how the movie will turn out in the end.

She was an exceptional officer and a professional during her time in the IAF.

I would like all the young citizens to know that Indian Air Force will be a very rewarding career choice should they be inclined to choose it anytime.

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This post first appeared on Linkedin.

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